I'm back home safely and by now completely, but it didn't go as smooth as I could have whised for...
But before I arrived at home, Hannes and me still had 2 weeks at Lyco left..
The first week we went to Fort Lauderdale in Florida for a little relaxing, because there would be no chance to do so once we're back in Germany.
I cannot say anything about the city of Fort Lauderdale, because we never made it there (didn't have a rental car, so it was hard to get around) , but it's said to be really nice and similar to Venice with canals and a lot of water. We went to the beach every day, mostly only for 2-3 hours (it was too hot and we got red quite fast ... grrrr) and then went to this little place to eat. Actually we did pretty much nothing except eating, sleeping, beach, reading, TV,... (which was very nice nevertheless).
someone sleeping on the flight from Williamsport to Philly.., haha
beach in the evening
the beach through Hannes' eyes (dirty glasses)
a portrait of my feet
no lifegurads :)
leaving Fort Lauderdale in the morning
The day we came back to Lyco we had to move to Rich for 4 nights.
When I carried all my stuff from Williams to Rhich I already felt that it would be hard to get all that in 2 suitcases (each 50 pounds) .. This proved to be true when I started packing on Wednesday : One suitcase was totally overweight with nearly 70 pounds and I had to ask Hannes to put some of my things in his suitcase. Also I had a carryone which must have weight one zillion pounds..
Since there wasn't anybody at Lyco left to get us to the airport the morning of the 9th of may we had to call a taxi (even after having made bad experiences with Williamsport Taxi companys). We made the reservation for the taxi to pick us up for 11.15 am (the flight would be leaving 12.45) ... The stupid taxi didn't show up till 12 and the guy answering the phone of the taxi company has been angry and yelling at me to be patient or they wouldn't pick us up at all. (ooh.. very good customer service...)
So Hannes and me...
a) arrived late at the airport
b) were selected for additional screening
-> Williamsport airport doesn't have an x-ray machine
THIS means, that they had to unpack our suitcases.. completely.. totally take everything apart. After they tried to get everything in again (which didn't work in forever) everything was squished and chaotic ..
Also the flight was delayed because of severe weather over PA so we didn't leave Williamsport till 4.10 pm.. In consequence we missed out flight to germany which left Philly at 4.15 pm.
So in Philly they had us booked for 2 flights to Germany but not as a reagular passenger but as "stand by" (meaning if there is a seat left in the plane we could fly if not we had to stay in Philly overnight..) That made me very angry (which I let the ppl know) and finally they got us a flight to Frankfurt leaving at around 6pm!
(couldn't sleep on the flight, but watched Juno and read a book, haha)
So the next great surprise was arriving in Frankfurt but our luggage missing... We went to that office for missing baggage stuff and they told us they couldn't even locate our luggage AT ALL because apparently they forgot to put that little barcode tag thing on our suitcases .. So they were practically lost and they told us to be patient and maybe they would be found somewhere..
So on one hand I was totally happy because my Mom, Dad and aunt were standing in the arrival hall with a hand drawn poster for me and flowers and food and something to drink and I was happy. But then all my stuff in the suitcases was gone and I really needed it.
Well, in the end, 3 days later they found the luggage in Philly and send it to Frankfurt, to Nünrberg and then brought it home to me ..
Anyways, I'm done stuffing all my crap in drawers closets shelves and under other things and this is where I live at home:
this is what my room looks like
the other side of the room
the room in which there is that sleeping sofa and more crap
the bathroom
So this is it for now because I have to get ready to go to class, which should not be very interesting but it has to be done.. afterwards maybe going out somwhere in Bamberg...
Sorry for not being very active online (Facebook/Deviantart/Flickr/....) but I'm basically running around all day to get signatures, permissions and doing paperwork like crazy.. I hope this weekend I will have some time to do all that stuff that is piling up on my desk and update my other pages, answer facebook messages and so on!
I miss everybody like crazy.. it is so weirs alone here and no noises and no spagett, no Susan and Kelley *meow* no Alli sounds and no Heather electronic music base...
I'll tell you more about my first confusing week here on saturday or sunday!
Happy (belated) Birthday, Eric :)