I really wanted to blog for such a long time, but since I got back from the USA I really didn’t get the chance and now that I ‘kind of’ have the time, David (my computer) dies (slowly and painfully)…
This means, that I won’t post a long travel log of my USA travels now (I promise I will, when I reformatted David, which most probably will be around Wednesday or Thursday though)…
Nevertheless I have to say, that I absolutely enjoyed my time in the USA, even when it made me happy and sad at the same time. Just a quick summing up of what I did (more details yet to come)
* first thing I did on US grounds at Philly airport: buying a Donut from Dunking Donuts
*my flight from Philly to Williamsport nearly crashed
*I did not miss the food at the cafeteria at Lycoming (still disgustingness like ass cheeks)
*But I did miss my friends a lot
*I went to Washington DC (Air&Space Museum, Natural History, Zoo, Starbucks, Strabucks, Starbucks…)
*I went to Baltimore (Aquarium, Pop Culture Museum…)
*I went to Buffalo (playing some rounds of circle of death and enjoying a ‘Blow Job’ – it’s not what you think, silly!! It’s a drink :)
*I went to Niagara Falls, walking around in the middle of the pouring rain
*I went shopping crazy in the mall of Williamsport (I miss shops like American Eagle Outfitters, Victorias Secrest, CVS, Wallmart, Target,…)
*I talked to a lot of nice people and tried to get gift shopping done for friends and family
*I also ate a lot of yummy Chinese Food and some other stuff I missed like; T.G.I. Fridays, Pizza, Donuts, Applebees, Subshops, crazy American groceries (not the grapples, really)…
* I got a little star tattoo in my neck as a souvenier and a little gift to myself (my tattoos have a meaning and this one has a really special meaning to me too, but more in the upcoming post)
I have been working every day since I got back from the USA.
Arrived sunday the 15th at around 6am all jetlagged and confused in Frankfurt am Main and went to work monday morning 7am.
I have been working every day for the last two weeks and got really sick with a severe cold and sinusitis (still, went to work all the time)…
Also went to my best friend Judith’s birthday party last Friday night. We had jelly shots, yummy cherry punch and more ‘beverages’ (haha) … I have more pictures, but again David, the fucking idiot, had to die …

There will be a whole bunch of more pictures soon!
I hope I can get all the pictures and data off the hard drive tomorrow… I don’t hope, I HAVE to … I don’t even want to imagine that it could possibly not work. I think I’d freak out and have an internal seizure.. but I was told not to think about negative things too much.. (yeha..sure)
Also I have to mention, that I have some really weird uncontrollable mood swings recently.
I still have been thinking about Hannes a lot, also about some more of my family issues, and I really didn’t come to a conclusion or anything similar to a solution or plan of action.
I still feel a bit lost and confused about what to do and how to react. It seems like there is no proper way to do it but to try and fail or try and succeed.
Sometimes I feel so awkwardly empty that most probably the verb “feel” is wrong in this sense, because there is an uncomfortable absence of feelings. Like a vacuum. And I’m not used to feeling nothing, … on the contrary.. I am used to nearly burst with all these feelings and thoughts in my head and my heart. So yeah.. I don’t know what this could possibly be meaning for me. Guess, I have to give it some time to figure it out…
I have also been trying to recall the feeling of being in love with someone or falling in love with someone. The sad thing is, that I really don’t seem to be able to recall this nice warm fuzzy dizzy happy feeling.
Gosh, didn’t I say that I didn’t want to write too much today?
I just don’t seem to be able to see when I should put an end to things, literally.
Haha.. I also put my procrastination to another l e v e l . A level of not before known laziness and stupidity.
I promise to start getting things done.. T O M O R R O W ..
Yup..tomorrow .. that sounds .. promising!
Tschüüüü <3