Not that that means anything, but oh well…
The last week I have done some more research and written a term paper. (The one that I had to hand in the 17th… When Alli and Eric still have been here in Bamberg I already felt, that I couldn’t get it done in time so I emailed the Professor who gave me a little more time so I could finish it…) It’s a history paper (ancient history) and is about the “ Imperial Madness of Julio-Claudian Family; Research on Caligula”… it sounds a bit weird but actually it was quite interesting and I’d tell you more if I wouldn’t already know that nobody wants to hear about it ;]
Anyways..if you are interested it is 28 pages (in German..haha..sorry)!
I’m not sure if you know, but I totally hate coffee – the taste of it makes me …. Ewwww!! – so while I was writing the paper I had some difficulties in staying up late to get (lots and LOOTS , I mean LOOOTS and lots of ) work done so I went to the grocery place to get energy drinks (Red Bull and Effect) and Coffee Stuff (Esspresso, Coffee, Cappuchino.. –grossness!!!).
So I came home and had an energy drink at about 8pm. An espresso at 9.30. Big cup of coffee 10.45. A bottle of Coke 11. Cappuchino 12.30.
-> I usually don’t drink coffee because of caffeine making me hyper.. Maybe I should not have consumed so much stuff with caffeine, but I could work until 5.30 am and after that couldn’t sleep :]
Next day I felt really nervous and shaky.. I learned a lesson.
- English Presentation on Wednesday (STATUS: 15% done)
- Another Term Paper (for which I sadly don’t have literature) till Thursday (0% done)
- Studying for 2 Exams on the 13th of July (0% done)
- My birthday on 7th of July (won’t have a party though.. not in the mood)
So on last Sunday Hannes, my parents and me wanted to have a BBQ in the evening, but in the morning the sky was all cloudy and getting darker and darker.. It felt really eerie when at some point a weird strong wind shook all the trees and birds and leaves were flying through the air… Then suddenly one could hear a low rumble and cold wind swooshing around. I went outside to see what happened and then in about 15 minutes the sky got really REALLY dark ( it was only like 3pm) …
So here we are having BBQ.. nom nom nom!!
NOM NOM NOM!! I know that this doesn't look like stuff that American People would put on their grill - (at least I was told that American PPL put other stuff on) - there is Brats, Steaks, Chicken Breast, Bacon and laters we put vegetables on..yum yum
I’m not the mega soccer fan, but for Hannes’ sake I’ll be coming, too (not that he is going to notice me around, because he’ll be screaming, cursing and stuff like that) but he complained that I’m not a good Germany fan and I’m not supporting my country blabla so I will be like the ÜBER Germany fan and surprise Hannes… (I’ll take pictures!)
I’m pretty stressed at the moment (and I know that you know, so I don’t want to complain about all that stuff too much!) but at least I got little nameless, that Susan wants to be called Hase II ..(which is a good name in my opinion, but my brother doesn’t want it to be called like that, so I just call it like that .. other ppl can give it other names..)